Seattle Chapter
World Transhumanist Association
for the ethical use of technology to extend human capacities
Photos by Ian Ruotsala, Seattle WTA
2007 Events
2006 Events
May 13, 2006
May 26-28, 2006
Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights
See this site for a thorough report on the HETHR Conference.
Nydra's transhumanist take on the conference is well worth reading, and I've found her personal blog entries just as thought provoking and well written.
Inside Links
Outside Links
What a strange machine man is! You fill him with bread, wine, fish, and radishes, and out comes sighs, laughter, and dreams.
-Nikos Kazantzakis, poet and novelist (1883-1957)
Journal of Evolution and Technology
The New Atlantis
A Journal of Technology and Society
Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology
Preparing for Nanotechnology
Nanomedicine Gallery
Crucial Physical and Informational Technologies
Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Arising from the New Genetics
Promise and Peril of the 21st Century
by Ray Kurzweil
American Inventor, Author, Musician, Entrepreneur
Nick Bostrom, PhD
British Academy Research Fellow, Oxford University
James Hughes, PhD
Asociación Tranhumanista
Be Very Afraid:
Cyborg Athletes, Transhuman Ideals & Posthumanity
By Andy Miah
Lecturer in Media, Bioethics, and Cyberculture
University of Paisley at Ayr, Scotland, UK.
"Exponential" Thinking for the Future
By Jack Uldrich
Cyborg Liberation Front
Inside the Movement for Posthuman Rights
by Erik Baard
Extropy Institute
"Extropy Institute is a non-profit, multidisciplinary research and educational organization."
"Connecting people to the future so that they can create it, we explore and advocate the use of science and technology for furthering human progress."
Singularity Watch
Interpreting a world of accelerating change
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Android World
"This site is devoted to androids. An android is an anthropomorphic robot - i.e. a robot that looks like a human. Many android developers call their creations 'humanoids' rather than androids. We also have robotics links, robot links, animatronics links, and research links."
Sentient Developments
The NanoAging Institute
Transhumanist Bibliography
This is a comprehensive collection of non-technical texts and online resources.